Media in Cooperation and Transition
Brunnenstraße 9, 10119 Berlin, Germany

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“Music Against Hunger”: Stakal Shedit

Simon Bingo
The Jay Family, comprising of the Black Twins and Yuppie Jay, encourage the youth in South Sudan to engage in agriculture, fighting hunger across the country.
25.04.2024  |  Juba

(CC) August 2014:
Lyrics & audio recording: Jay Family
Video & edit: The Niles | Simon Bingo


Jay Family aims to raise awareness on the importance of agriculture in the fight against famine and as an attractive means of income generation”.

At the core of their campaign Music Against Hunger” is the song Stakal Shedit”, encouraging the youth of South Sudan to engage in agriculture.

The campaign launches in South Sudan’s capital Juba on August 16, at the Juba Regency Hotel, from 9:30AM to 2:00PM and carry on until September, with performances in Yei and Nimule.

The music video Stakal Shedit” was produced with the support of MiCT’s The Niles project, by Simon Bingo: